Need a referee for your game?
How to request a referee...
We use Who's The Ref (WTR) to manage all our appointments. Each team should have a point of contact on the system to receive details of any appointments made. If you need to register to join WTR, please follow these steps:
1. Please follow this link to WTR
2. Click on the "Register" button in the top right corner
3. Select "Rugby" as the sport and "Club Admin" as the role and enter your email address that you want to use
4. Verify your email using the code which should be sent to you
5. Select "Oxford Rugby Referees Society" as the organisation and complete the other contact information
6. In the comments section, let us know which team or teams you want to be added to as a point of contact.
If your game is not on the system, then we will not know to appoint to it. It is therefore the home team's responsibility to make sure the match is on the system to be appointed.
If you have loaded your games into the RFU's Game Management System (GMS), or they have been populated in the system for you, these should load automatically into WTR. However, please check the site to make sure these are showing as the process is not perfect.
If you need a referee and the game is not on WTR, please contact us using the form below with the match information.
How to confirm a referee...
When an appointment has been made and accepted by the referee, the point of contact for the team will be notified by email. This notification will include the referee contact details.
At least 48hrs prior to the game, the home club must contact the referee to confirm the details of the match. If no contact is made, the referee will assume that the game is off and the society is at liberty to reallocate the official to another fixture. This is an RFU requirement and not a society rule.
If you have not been able to make contact with the referee 24hrs prior to the match, please contact the Reappointments Officer for the society.
Unfortunately, we cannot always guarantee to cover all matches where referees are requested. This particularly applies on weekends before Christmas where we have more school matches and age grade cup games to cover. These have to take a lower priority than adult and colts league matches and therefore appointments can sometimes be challenging.